Every now and then we get a cool email!

Every now and then we get a cool email!

As part of the Irish EV Association, we spend most of our time in quite serious emails and matters, normally around the fact that there's so much more to be done on education and understanding in the world of EVs. And then there are other days were we get a really cool email out of the blue!

Well, recently we got the following from Janet, a volunteer tutor. She is tutoring an extracurricular science program at her nephew James' school in the United States, where they came across our page in exploring eco-friendly electric vehicles and their environmental benefits. And as part of the assignment, James went above and beyond by discovering another excellent resource:

Now, Janet asked us to include this link on our Resources page, but this gets updated from time to time, and this additional info might just get updated and lost over time. So, we decided to do one better. We decided to write a little blog piece, and tell the world about James and his work!

We just want to say congratulations to you and your classmates for doing your part in learning and understanding the world out there and how electric school buses can be of benefit! But most importantly, thank you for finding us and for further sharing the knowledge and we hope that you appreciate your small limelight on our page, for today and well into the future! Thanks for brightening up our day 🙂


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