ESB Ecars Charge point fault report form

ESB Ecars Charge point fault report form

Dear members,
We would like to collect some data on currently faulty and/or regularly unreliable ECars charge points ahead of our upcoming meeting with ECars this coming Friday (24th August).
This should be from your own personal experience and just the following data as we need to compile this as quickly and easily as possible: – Charge Point location – Ecars ref number (found on charge point or Ecars app or website , for example CP:123ABC) – FCP or SCP – Socket used e.g. (Chademo, Type 2, CCS) – Date(s) unavailable – Very brief description of fault e.g. Faulty socket, Faulty card reader, Won’t start charge, etc.
We’re not interested in blocking or ICEing this time, that’s a different issue, and please no essays. We know well about the frustrations of you all, we just need the data.
Many thanks, IEVOA Committee.

Please click on the link below to access the form :

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