Corporate Membership

The Irish Electric Vehicle Association is a community-driven lobby and membership group for EV owners on the island of Ireland. We have been in operation for a number of years and have an established constitution, election process for our governing committee and a healthy membership base.

In our 2021 AGM we proposed a constitutional change to allow us to represent and accept corporate members. This was due to a change in the Irish ecosystem, whereby more companies wished to be represented by IEVA. This is as a result of wanting to be seen to be taking action against climate change, to be a participant in public debate and to have IEVA represent their interests with members and public bodies we engage with as part of our normal operating procedure.

Our corporate membership rates are determined by company size:

  • 1-50 employees: €500 annual rate
  • 51+ employees: €1000 annual rate

We have exciting partner events and insights to share over the coming months. And we are engaged with several future corporate members as well as working with some fantastic early adopters today.

If you have questions, send a note to

Register for Corporate membership here

Just a few details could get our conversation started on adding value to our EV community.